Sliding Scale

Sliding-scale appointment spaces are currently available by e-mailing me directly.

I will only be accepting 4 sliding scale patients per month at this time.

These clinic spaces are intended right now for the un-insured and under-employed.
Folks from Indigenous, POC, LGBTQ+, and other marginalized communities will be given priority for these spaces.
No questions will be asked about your current income status. Please place yourself in the tier that best suits you.

If you do consider yourself to be low income, but do have an existing health insurance policy, I kindly & gently ask that you use your insurance benefits before applying for these spaces.

I hope to expand these services some day to include a full clinic day per week, maybe even more, and genuinely look forward to the day that is a possibility.

Please see below for the tiered pricing.

Sliding scale appointments can only be booked over email. Please reference your tier when booking an appointment.
If we no longer have appointments left for that month you will be added to a waiting list.




I may worry about meeting my basic needs, but regularly achieve them. I have some debt but it does not prohibit attainment of basic needs. I am employed at a stable job but do not have benefits. I rent stable housing. I have access to some savings and have some expendable income. I am able to buy some new items and I thrift others.

Annual income:

Fee: Patient receives a 25% discount off all appointment prices.



I worry about meeting my basic needs, but still regularly achieve them. I have some debt but it does not prohibit attainment of basic needs. I am employed. I rent relatively stable housing. I do not have access to significant financial savings or expendable income. I rarely buy new items because I am unable to afford them.

Annual income:

Fee: Patient receives a 40% discount off all appointment prices.



I frequently worry about meeting basic needs and don’t always achieve them. I have debt and it sometimes prohibits me from meeting my basic needs. I have no access to savings. I am unemployed or underemployed. I rent unstable housing, or am currently seeking housing.

Annual income:
< $0-20,000

Fee: Patient receives a 60% discount off all appointment prices.