Hi! I’m Erin.

I’m a Naturopathic Doctor based in St. John's, Newfoundland.

Before learning about Naturopathic Medicine, I’ve always been drawn to nature, and found healing in plants, and I’m very excited to share these gifts with you.

It was my own experience of illness that brought me to this type of medicine, and showed me the values of agency, education, and accessibility.

After struggling to get the healing I needed from conventional healthcare, I was lead to a Naturopathic Doctor, and began to learn about the many other ways that I could stimulate my body’s inherent ability to heal itself. Years later, I would learn that this is one of the founding ideological pillars behind Naturopathic Medicine. I was inspired to stimulate the same passion for healing within my community.

Following these ideas, I strive to provide care that brings my patients back in touch with their health. This is done through  education, and the use of well-researched natural compounds that are a part of evidence based treatment plans. This doesn’t include just telling my patients what to do – but WHY.

Giving the education and tools to make informed decisions about your health and well being in every day life is one of the foundations of a healthier lifestyle that sticks.​​

My favourite things to treat are digestive & hormonal health - AKA poops 'n' periods.

I also have some focused training in mental health, thanks to my time spent studying orthomolecular psychiatry through the mental health focus shift during my time at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine.  

Accessibility and inclusion are also very important to me, and I welcome patients of all ages, races, genders, sexual orientations, and religious backgrounds. I aim to create a space where everyone feels safe and welcome to heal themselves. I also deeply value collaboration, and recognize the importance a patient having a multi-faceted circle of care.

When not in the clinic, I’m an avid lover of music, hiking, and gardening. I'm most commonly found on the East Coast Trail chasing a good sunrise or sunset! I also love to read, and you can always keep up with my blog or my social media pages to see what I’ve been learning about in my spare time! I’m delighted to have the opportunity to share in the journey of your health, and can’t wait to build a healthier future for Newfoundland and Labrador.


Erin holds a Bachelor of Arts from Memorial University in Sociology and Psychology, which lead to a brief career in the Child & Youth Care sector, as well as Early Childhood Education before leaving Newfoundland to study at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in Toronto, ON. 

During her time at CCNM, Erin had the honor of interning at Anishnawbe Health Toronto, which catered to Toronto’s underserved indigenous population. Over the course of her internship, Erin was exposed to a wide variety of medical conditions under the supervision of Toronto’s finest Naturopathic Doctors. She also had the opportunity to be a part of the RSNC's mental health focus shift, where she intensely studied nutrition's impact on mental/brain health. 

Erin was also the facilitator for CCNM’s “Be Your Best Self” program, a course aimed at the general public to help build the foundation for a healthier lifestyle. She has also given multiple presentations to various groups across Toronto & St. John’s on the importance of Naturopathic Medicine in Mental Health.

Erin is registered, and in good standing, with the College of Naturopathic Doctors of Alberta. She is also a member of the Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors.